Friday 13 January 2023

Thursday 12th January 2023

Oh God, the first full week of the year, and it goes on an on like a neverending thing.

And it was only Thursday.

And early Thursday morning, with a full day of chaos ahead.

This calls for more coffee.

Lots more coffee.

We got up just before six, and outside the rain was already fallng, and the wind howling. So, credit to Jools who went out for a walk. I doubt I would be.

So, I have coffee. Second coffee and breakfast.

And get down to work.

In fact, I am pretty much up to date, so most of the day is keeping up on mails coming in, and on the phone to colleagues.

More coffee. Early on, there is the usual game of guessing what Cleo wants; is it food, kitty kibbles or go out. Not helped by her default action to go to the stop of the stairs and stare wide-eyed at me. So, I give her food: nothing. Kitty kibbles: which she eats. Open the door: she doesn't move. After 5 attempts at the last one, she goes out, then comes straight back in to start the game again.

Twelve I started work and wasn't going to play her games.

So, she went back upstairs and slept the rest of the day.

For the afternoon, I made bread. Fancy bread. Spiced with chipotle flakes and Moroccan seasoning. And I let it rise, shape into a loaf and rise again, resulting in a fine, much lighter, easier to eat loaf, which was very good with the warmed through defrosted tagine we had for dinner.

By then it was clearly dark, the wind still blew, but rain had eased. I wasn't going for a walk.

We're both pretty pooped this week, so we went to bed at nine, easier when there was no football to watch on the tellybox.

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