Friday 27 January 2023

Thursday 26th January 2023

We have nearly made it to the weekend. And in fact I am writing this on Friday afternoon having just packed up for the week. Which means we have done it.

But before then there is Thursday to get through, and for the day, the main task will be wriing an audit report.

Not to get into too much detail, but the biggest pain is knowing there is something wrong, but finding the correct clause(s) in the standard(s) to use to raise a finding againt.

Sometimes these will be obvious, most of the time, less so. A simple task of reporting on a two day audit can take all day, sometimes two days longer than the audit, to write the report for.

So, in order to prepare for the day, and have the energy for all that thinking, a strong mug of coffee or three would be needed.

And silence.

Cats say "meow".

Jools went to work at seven, leaving me to make breakfast and set up the office as usual, then eyes down and soon, thoughts turn to lunch.

There was a tub of soup in the fridge, but some bread would be nice to go with it, to dunk.

So I made a loaf.

Mixed up the dough, added seeds and left to rise.

Kneaded down.

Left to rise a second time and then baked.

I'd try a slice. A crust just to see if it was good enough. Straight out of the oven I cut a crust, butter it and put on some apricot jam.

It was so good I had to have a second slice. And an hour later a third.

Just to be sure.

I did not now need the soup.

I finished the report just before three, and once packing away the office, I go out to do some gardening. No much, but some.

Some is a strong word. A little then.

But the giant grass and verbena is blocking the path, so I cet the shears out and cut them down, gather the clippings and bag them up.

Twenty six At least the path is usable, though not tidy. But it was too cold to be out for long, but there'd be other days to do weeding.

Back inside I have a brew, then make the batter for fritters, having them ready as Jools walked in the door at quarter to six. Eatch batch is slightly, or very different. This was quite spicy as I used the last of a batch of spice.


And washed it down with the last of the red wine in the box.

I had suffered a sligh migraine in the afternoon, so switched the laptop off in the evening, istened to to the radio, and i bed by nine.

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