Thursday 12 January 2023

Wednesday 11th January 2023


Jools went swimming first thing, so was up and about from five, getting ready so she could leave the house at quarter to six to head to the pool.

Left at home, the weather was at least going to be clear and sunny, at least in the morning, so I would try to get out for a walk.

But we would see.

In the meatime there was more coffee, toast and a podcast.

And then work.

Work is odd, in that there should be lots to do, but we are waiting for our targets and objectives for the new year, and on top of that we are to get nore role titles and responsibilities, so while those are done, not much happens.

I did have a meeting regarding my long term project, said again what I said to Eddy, and this time the project was closed down, my part in it now having come to an end.


At half ten, I felt the start of a migraine coming, so went out for a walk. Bright sunshine isn't the best thing for it, but computer monitors are worse, so out I go with camera and my music library and the ear pods.

Eleven My back was complaining soon after leaving, so after walking up and down the first two roads, I cut through, back along Collingwood and to Station Road to home, cutting about a thousand steps. I would have to do better another day.

Back home and after checking mails, I had lunch of yet more toast, the loaf I made last Friday having lasted this long as I cut slices so thin.

Anyway, the day fades again, clouds roll in and wind builds. Soon it would be raining too.

Dinner was hash, as Jools had bought peppers, but delayed as due to the heavy rain whenshe left off, she took a friend home in the car.

So, it was six by the time she came home, I served dinner and a glass of wine, cheers.

Not much to report, other than yet more football on the tellybox, with Southamptong beating Citeh in the League cup.

Who saw that coming

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