Wednesday 25 January 2023

Tuesday 24th January 2023


And all I had to look forward to was a seven hour audit, via Teams, with a site in Germany. Which meant I would be sitting at the dining room table for most of the day.

A late afternoon walk Its work, apparently.

So, we get up, feed the cats and make coffee, check on the world and then gird our loins for work at seven.

A late afternoon walk It was a late start for the audit as there had been an important meeting planned, which has since been cancelled. So, I check mails and find which systems were working this fine day.

A late afternoon walk So at nine, eyes down for the audit; and let the chaos begin.

A late afternoon walk At three, I was done and it seemed light enough to go for a walk. In fact, it didn't really get that dark until quarter to five, even though it was very cloudy.

A late afternoon walk Maybe spring is really just round the corner?

For the three months to Christmas, we had rain followed by lots of rain. But not much for a couple of weeks, so instead of walking up and down the streets, I set off down our street, and along the track at the end of it, over the fields to Fleet House.

A late afternoon walk It was cloudy colours were subdued, and few flowers could be found beside the path. Further on the two Shetland Ponies in the small paddock were away of my approach, even if the only the white one came to check for sugar cubes.

A late afternoon walk I went down Norway Drove to the top of The Dip. It was muddy, and getting dark. I will try it next week, but for now, time to retrace my footsteps and head for home, as it would soon be time to cook dinner.

A late afternoon walk But, the flat flight continued until nearly five, so it seemed nearly an hour's more light than a month ago.

Twenty four Dnner was fishcakes, whole wheat noodles and stir fry. Quick and easy.

Scully and I would sit on the sofa through the evening and enjoy the League Cup semi final between Southampton and Newcastle.

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