Saturday 24 December 2022

Friday 23rd December 2022

And so to our final chore before the big day's eve and the big day itself: going to the butcher to collect the order.

After laying in until nearly teatime the last two days (half seven) I set the alarm this morning for six. So it was that we were woken from our slumbers by a jangly upbeat electronic alarm.

The cats were already awake and more than ready for breakfast.

We got up, fed them, made coffee, meaning that come seven, we were ready to go. Jools wanted to go for a walk along the prom in town, meanwhile I would go to Preston.

It was hoofing it down.

Jools took a rain coat and an umbrella.

We drove down to the Duke of Yorks, then down past the Castle into town, dropping Jools off at the Market Square. I turned round and went past the site of the old Rack of Ale, then up the hill back to the Castle, and on to Sandwich.

Rain fell harder.

And on the coast it mixed with fog too.


I took it easy on the run to Sandwich, not going over sixty, due to the standing water and spray. Along the bypass and then taking the turning to Canterbury before turning off at Nash, and out onto the marshes.

A pale dawn was breaking, revealing yet more dark clouds sweeping in from the west.

There was a parking space free outside the shop, so I reverse into that, then grab the bottle of blackberry port I had made for them, go on and was all Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas.

For the frst time ever, we have no turkey or turkey crown, as we are going out for Christmas dinner, but there was a huge beef joint for Boxing Day, steak for Christmas Eve and a joint of salt beef to boil for cold cuts.

I leave them to it, and am back in the car heading to Ramsgate to go to Waitrose on the hunt for some Vin Santo.

I was there only five minutes after opening, I check the dessert wine section, and find none. I ask, and they indeed have none.


Oh well.

I leave, calling Jools on the way out to let her know I could pick her up from town before the bus left.

Just as well as the rain fell harder once I was back on the road, and yet some folks were driving like idiots at eighty with no lights on. Not just the rain, mist but it still wasn't fully light.

Jools was waiting on Castle Street, so she jumps in, and we drive back up Jubilee Way and to home.

All done now.

Back inside, and we have coffee and breakfast of fruit.

Outside, the rain continued to fall, and the cats moped about.

I got busy and prepared the herbs and spices to go in with the salt beef and a pan of water. I set it on hight to boil, then simmer for three hours.

Three hundred and fifty seven Once it was done, I take the beef out to cool a bit, then butter two rolls each, cut slices of salt beef, then smother in wholegrain mustard and then add some sliced pickles.



Job done.

Jools watches more Better call Saul, and I edit yet more church photos.

The day fades. There is no more football to watch, and no Marc on the wireless.

I end watching a YouTube video from Try on the usual suspects trying all 24 days from various alcohol selection boxes in one sittting.

Twas funnier than it should have been.

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