It would be easy to lay in bed, snoozing half the morning, covered in cats. But, we get up at seven, have coffee then we both do a session on the cross-trainer, then we can have a shower and then have breakfast. When i come down from the shower, Jools is on the phone to gary: do I want to go out and look for Nuthatches?
Well, we did have a list of things to do, not least repair the shed roof. But what the heck!

At ten Gary comes round and I load five kilos of camera gear into his car, and we set off for the other side of Canterbury. There was just one other person in the wood, and he soon left. So, we set our tripods up at either end of a tree trunk which had fallen in some recent storm. And then we wait.

And we wait some more.
The air is thick with birdsong, and looking up I can see various tits flying about, even a couple of nuthatches going from tree to tree. I do get shots of a Great Tit, a Robin and a Coal Tit, all I had to show for 90 minutes standing around, waiting. But, it was good to get out, and for the most part we stood in some nice winter sunshine.
Gary drops me back home at midday, and I head into the kitchen to make bacon butties with the last of the Christmas stock. Nothing wrong with bacon butties and a pint of tea!
Then it was repair shed roof time. In truth I had been putting it off for a while. However, once we got all the tools together, worked out a plan of how to carry out the task. And we got down to it. I measured the sheet twice, then cut it with the stanley knife. I took a couple more session of whittling to get the sheet to the right size. Just to fix the battens in place, hammer them down. And it was all done.

I don't think Jools was convinced, she even went out in the evening to check. But the panel was still there.
We went to see Nan. She is settling down, and I think she doesn't think it too bad now. But it has taken a shit-o-gram to the owners for the staff to begin taking notice and doing something like their job. Anyway, Nan is getting good care, and she is fairly happy about things.
Last thing to do on Sunday was to watch the final part of this run of Sherlock. And a fine ending it was, but the thought of having to wait another 49 weeks to find out what happens in the cliff-hanger. Well, its what TV does, isn't it?
And just time to say that I cleared my desk in Ramsgate today. They are employing more techs at Thanet, and need the desk space. Even so I am not happy about it, especially as I have been told there are no free desks in Arhaus either. So at the end of the day, I pack my stuff in a box and load the car. I won't miss the monkeys, but I will miss the view, and the commute listening to the radio. Well, I will be working from home more, when I'm not in Denmark.
Or Sweden.
Or Germany.
Or Spain.
Off to Denmark again tomorrow, so I will speak to you again at the weekend. Be good.
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