I have noticed the tendency of my jeans to slip down, and need constant pulling up to keep my modesty (ahem) intact. I assumed that this was due to the ever-expanding belly, when it may seem that it is the exact opposite. Having to use a smaller notch in my belt just confirms this.

It is very early to be celebrating, but I am eating less, drinking far less beer (except when at CAMRA meetings, more of which later) and exercising of course. All good things for sure.
So, already looking forward to tonight’s session on the cross-trainer, as last night I upped the level on my usual session, and I still managed to complete the work-out. Good news. And there really is nothing quite like working out to some good tunes, like last night as I neared the end of the session, Mickey by Toni Basil came on, and that really has a great beat and was perfect to upping my workrate even higher.

I went back into the office yesterday in Ramsgate. Only now I have to go in and beg for a desk. It worked, well at least yesterday. I got plenty of work done, and chatted with the guys there. It was all rather pleasant I have to say. Driving into work was through varying amounts of fog and mist, which burnt off through the day to develop into a stunning winter’s day. I also got to hear all the latest rumours, which is always fun, even if what I heard I cannot repeat. Oh no.

Monday I worked from home, and was bothered almost non-stop by the cats. Either food, attention or ‘something else’ was required. It was hard to ignore. Which is why I decided to go into the office so I would be distracted less, as I knew they monkeys would be offshore, so some work would be possible. After work on Monday, Jools dropped me in Sandwich at seven so I could attend a CAMRA branch meeting.

Now, although I do know they do a fine job, but sitting in on a branch meeting it is all a little earnest for me. But it has been about 15 months since I last went, so it could not be that bad could it? Yes it could, as internal politics took over, which descended into petty name calling and embarrassed looks all round by those not involved. Sigh.
Before the meeting I wandered the streets of Sandwich with my nifty fifty snapping away, which was the real reason I said I would go anyway. I promised myself that after walking the streets I would have a nice pint or two of warming ale once I got inside The Red Cow, where the meeting was going to take place.
I have no volunteered to help judge the pubs in the pub of the year contest, which mainly involves going to pubs drinking beer. The kind of work I like!
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