We then head back home as the wind is howling again, and the forecast is for yet more rain. Jools then heads out to visit Nan and do other chores, whilst I stay home, do a session on the cross-trainer and prepare lunch. And it being FA cup 3rd round weekend, it means listening to the radio or watching a game well into the evening.

City stumbled to a 1-1 draw against Fulham, which means we will have to go through it again next week. Elsewhere there were thrills and upsets, but for the most part it didn’t seem as thrilling as it should. If the clubs don’t take it seriously anymore, why should we?
That evening we watched Monsters Inc. which Jools had not seen before, and which she loved.

While outside the wind howled some more and the rain hammered down. But we still have 66% of the shed roof, with the replacement panel due to arrive this week……

Sunday dawned bright and calm. So after a breakfast of yet more bacon butties, we head out to South Foreland for a walk along the cliffs. The sun was low but bright, and with the wind gentle it was glorious to be out. However, soon high level mackerel clouds rolled over, casting everything under a pale shadow, but the patterns in the sky were very photogenic…….
A quick walk to Fan Bay and back, then back in the car and home for a warming coffee.

The rest of the day was spent listening to more football on the radio and scanning Nan’s documents and photos. We have been bit by bit, bringing Nan’s stuff to ours to sort through, and I have been scanning the interesting stuff and photos. We have learned much about Jools’ great-grandfather and his upbringing in London , his education and how he then joined the Metropolitan Police then transferred to Dover. It was with wealthy benefactors funding what was called a ragged school, set up to educate the great Victorian unwashed, that gave him his education, allowed him to be in a position to join the police. And without that he would have remained living in poverty in Southwark, as would his descendants. So, we all have cause to thank the Ragged School Union.

We ended the weekend, after a dinner of steak and ale pie, by watching the latest Sherlock, and nothing is funnier than drunk Sherlock we found. However, Sherlock high on crack might be even better, of course. Interesting that this reimagining does not have Sherlock as an addict. Still, the latest episode was a vast improvement on last week’s. We went to bed happy enough.
And that's yer lot until Friday as I'm back to the frozen north on the morrow. Toodle pip.
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