And with the wind blowing once more, it was an interesting drive to work, and then just me and the employer's monkeys in the office. And Tony has them doing all jobs all afternoon. I created a lovely new spreadsheet to help me keep the information in other spreadsheets accurate.

I check the weather and tide times and i find that the maximum winds coincide with the high spring tide. Even better as midday came round, the clouds parted and the sun shone. The light was fantastic. I walked to the end of the harbour wall to snap the waves coming through the breakwater. In fact, as the wind was in the SW, and that meant that Thanet is mostly in the lea of the wind, so the waves that were battering the west coast, were not going to affect us.

As well as work, I investigate gout. I can't ignore the fact that I had an attack, and so might get another. I find out that the absolutely worse thing I can eat or drink is BEER! Oh no. Well, not quite true, as offal, sweetbreads and tripe are the worse, followed by Bovril and beef tea, then beer. Seems it is the brewer's yeast you see. I can drink it, but in even more moderation than before, and accompanied by lots of water. I can eat meat, but just 6oz a time. And avoid cauliflower, peas, asparagus and spinach. The rest is pretty obvious, except white bread rather than brown or wholemeal. So, we shall see.
I am getting twinges in either big toe, so I think it better to be cautious now rather than have to do it as a result of another attack. We shall see.....

Oh and i have to lose weight and the usual stuff. All what I know of course.
So, for dinner we have mozzarella and tomatoes, and I have a glass of wine rather than beer. And that requires no cooking and we can be sitting down and relaxing soon after we finish. Phew. And due to a few nights lack of sleep, I head to bed at nine hoping to get something close to nine hours sleep and so feel human in the morning.....
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