Tuesday 19 January 2016

Tuesday 19th January 2016


And it all started so well. I mean I was not traveling, so I could lay in bed until a quarter past six, Jools was downstairs making coffee. And then outside there was a glorious sunrise that just had to be seen to be believed. Just as well for you, dear reader, that I had my camera handy. Soon after that it all went downhill. As I sat at the dining room table, I could feel the congestion building, breathing became difficult. It was going to be one of those days. One of those days I thought I had left behind.

Not so blue Monday I had slept well, but even still, sounding like you have your head in a bucket on the phoe made people ask what was wrong, so i explain over and over to various people what was wrong.

I struggle on through the day, but am left drained by about two. I only find relief really when either outside or standing up. So I go to stand up outside. I cut the raspberry canes down ready for the new season. I am overseen my Scully who is just checking i if I feel like feeding her at some point. Once inside, I decide to double bite the bullet and go for a session on the cross trainer, then straight into the shower to wash all traces of scent from me, apply no new deodorant nor shampoo or shower gel.

Makes no difference, I can hardly breath once back downstairs. I really thought I had had it beat. I take drugs, harder drugs then the serious only break open in the case of an emergency drugs. Still makes no difference. It seems to be worse sitting at the dining room table, so we retire to the sofa to watch a documentary on the group Genesis I had recorded. It turns out all past and present members of the group are splendid fellows, even Mr Collins, and how much better I feel towards them and their craft, and so I sense at some point I will be buying some of their earlier work, if not their later.

Football then some ancient Egyptian history, something for everyone, even fans of Phil Collins.

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