Saturday 9 July 2016

Friday 8th July 2016

Is it me, or has this week like lasted for about 55 days? Or could it be the daily battles. And now I'm told I am not liked by someone. My heart bleeds. I like to think that I am not liked by some in that I put the project first, but also care for my employer. So, I'm happy with that.

I have meetings again from half seven in the morning; my fault as I arranged them and am the chairman, so only myself to blame. But at least it should bring interested parties together. I am eating breakfast during the first meeting, I hope they don't hear me munching, or the camera on the new laptop is filming me eating still in my dressing gown as I look like a slob. But then this is one of the main benefits of working from home, not having to look at people face to face.

Do you want to video-conference? Heck no, I might have to put clothes on.....

Jeez, the morning slips through my fingers, I have half an hour in which to squeeze lunch, and then into another meeting. Finally at three, I am done with meetings, but then have to write up the minutes, check them and send them out. The plan to do the final expense report is binned, and after one final call from my manager, I am done for the day. I switch off the computer, and the phone and I am done.

I watch some WheelerDealers on some out of the way channel, before getting ready for Jools to come back home, laden with shopping and we can have dinner as we listen to Steve Lamaq. And that means its the weekend.

And there is no football on TV, so we watch another old TOTP, much the same as the day before, but this one presented by Tommy "TV on the radio" Vance. Ah, 1982, those were simpler days when we knew who the good guys and bad guys were,. Mostly. And XTC were still performing for an audience.

Here is The Good OLd Days on, a real blast from the 1970s, but Terry Scott is brilliant doing his little boy act, and had us laughing.

And so with an encore of The Don, we head to bed followed by our small troupe of cats, seeing who will get the prized spot on the pillow between us.

One final word I suppose is health matters: I have not had a serious allergy attack now since the middle of March. Although I cannot say for certain I have beaten it, as apparently at the end of August they flare up again, but for the most part it is good, and great not to have to take days off work through lack of sleep and all that.

My shoulder is slightly better, and although not completely better, its not worse, so I should be happy, and so the road to health seems like a long one. But other than that, all is pretty good.

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