Somehow we have nearly reached the end of another month, and we are still going strong. Well, almost.
Thursday was pretty much the same as Wednesday, which was the same as Tuesday, really. Wake up, drink coffee, put out rubbish, say goodbye to Jools, have another coffee and breakfast, switch on laptop, work, have lunch, work some more, ignore the cats, have more coffee, eat ice cream on the patio in the warm sunshine.

Once the working day was over, I put on my walking boots grabbed my camera and went for a leg stretcher, just for a while.
This is the period between when the wheat has ripened but has not yet dried out enough to be harvested. So, the fields are gilded and shimmer in the warm sunshine.

I walk home, puffing in the warm sunshine as I walked back up the dip, then back along over the fields.
After feeding the cats I prepare the aubergine for dinner, and begin to slice them, egg and breadcrumb them. Before I have finished, Jools comes home and helps me finish so I can get cooking and have it all ready.
I had made the pasta before breakfast, added lots of Parmesan cheese and ground pepper too, so it would all be infused with great flavours by the time dinner time came round.
We feast on pasta salad and freshly pan friend aubergine, washed down with most of a bottle of red. It is wonderful, even if I say so myself. There is then TOTP to follow, all Bow Wow Wow, the Fun Boy Three and Bananarama, Depeche Mode, Julio Iglesias, Haircut 100, the Associates, Adrian Gurvitz and Tight Fit. And I can remember it being screened back in 82, and those painful interviews conducted by Simon (Master) Bates.
Anyway, a railway documentary to follow that, and outside darkness had already fallen.
Time for bed.
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