THing is, heavy rain was forecast for most of the day, starting at lunchtime and was due to pour until the wee small hours. That meant the picture of the day had to be taken early, lest it be another looking down the garden as rain fell in stair rods, so with the sun low in the south east, I snapped a few with the light coming into the garden at a low angle.

I explained what was wrong, they understood and said the injector coil and plugs would be changed. They were going to drop me back home, but the job should only take half an hour, so would I like to wait? Would I like a coffee? I read Country Life magazine as I waited, it was that or watch GMB, and anything is better than that! Anyway, the magazine was full of stuff to fill your home or wear to parties, all so called "designer", expensive and horrible. I did see a good article on attending the carol service at Brook land church, which we might do this yer, depends really.
And by the time I got to the end of the magazine and drained my coffee cup, the car was done, and done under warrenty, so free! My favourite price.
I go back home and start work, more writing documents, but get lost in the detail. I struggle on.
By lunchtime the rain had started, and so all cats inside and sleeping. Although upon her entrance, Molly brought me a large mouse for lunch. I pass.
Rain falls hard outside now, and it is dark enough to have the light on as I work. But come half three again, I have done six hours or so and decide that enough is enough. Mooly and I sit on the sofa and I catch up on my magazine reading, even reading this week;s, meaning I can take the read ones over to Bob over the road.
At six or so, I have to go to Martin Mill to pick up Jools, her boss drops her off at Sandling, and the train only takes 20 minutes to come round through Dover, meaning she is home just a quarter of an hour later than if she drove. It is hammering down as I wait outside the station, and she half runs to the car, so to be not too wet.
At home I had already prepared the aubergine and cooked it, so within a few minutes we are sitting down to eat, toasting our good fortune once again, while the rain still hammers down outside, and still is when we go to bed three hours later.
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