Tuesday 24 April 2018

The Brexit coup

I have no idea, really, if the idea of Brexit with the referendum and the "people's mandate" along with other policies was deliberate, or just a fascist's coincidence.

Before Brexit, you had Cameron's coalition government bringing in measures, under the guidance of the idiot, Chris Grayling, of restricting legal aid, trying to limit Judicial Review and restricting Freedom of Information (FoI) requests on cost grounds., of limiting the possibility of anyone questioning, or holding, the Executive to account.

That the Withdrawal Bill, the former Great Repeal Bill, planned to give Ministers the power to strike laws and/or citizen's rights by a stroke of the pen, and no comeback whatsoever. The idea of a coup maybe is not so far fetched after all.

The Government even tried to get Brexit past Parliament until the Gina Miller case restricted the Government's power, and without that case, would have succeeded.

After Grayling left the Ministry of Justice, Gove, was made to look competent just by reversing all of Graylings policies, with the exception of the legal aids cut. Make no mistake this was done as a purely dogmatic exercise, no impact studies had been done (sounds familiar), and only once implemented was its impact given a cursory glance. People lost jobs, families, children, unable to afford the legal representation as legal aid was now out of their reach. So, a basic function of a state, the use of law, was being limited to only those who could afford it. This also applied to acts committed by local authorities, and central Government, even if they had acted illegally, people could not get legal aid.

Same is true for those who faced deportation, or removal as the Home Office now calls it, and turned a blind eye to those cases that were brought to its attention.

Questioning the Executive is something that goes back to Magna Carta, the right to a free and fair hearing. But that is now getting lost, except to those who can afford it.

Then there is the bare faced lies that were told of Brexit: only a win/win situation, this would be the easiest deal in history, nothing would change, there would be lots of extra money for everything, including the underfunded NHS. These lies were easily challenged, but wee often repeated by the forth estate and poor journalism, in the BBC especially where they still don't seem to have a grasp of the terms needed to pin a lying Brexiteer down, maybe its because some of the journalists were Leave voters, but they have a duty to hold the Executive to account too, failure to do so, is a failure to democracy.

The lying continues to this day, and goes unchallenged when much of what is being said has been proved to be lies, in some cases for years.

And then there is the funding. The DUP paying a student six hundred grand the last week of the referendum so he could pay CA. Then blocking any investigation as to where the DUP got their money from in the first place. One of the main Leave campaigns part funding the other to get past election spending rules, and the illegal use of people's digital data to target social media Fake News and advertising. Aaron Banks owns Moneysupermarket dot com, and somehow data by its users came to be in the possession of CA. Use of data for one purpose then being for something else, let alone supplying it to another company, is against the law. Wetherspoons deleting it's customer's information at the same time it would have to if it were complying with electoral laws.

And in order to preserve Parliamentary Sovereignty, such sovereignty has to be pypassed on increasingly regular occasions in the name of Parliamentary Sovereignty. You have have it, only when we say so and when to do what we says.

The Windrush issue, which will soon be expanded to those citizens who thought they had a right to live here after Hong Kong was given back to China, and that will then be extended to EU citizens, although the latter has already happened. I wouldn't trust the Government, this Government anyway, with me and my family's future, based on their past and very recent records. Windrush should have been a resignation matter for the last two Home Secretaries, Amber Rudd and the now PM Mrs May. It seems now that an appology after being caught is enough, or blaming underlings. No accountability, no recourse: a coup.

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