Saturday 28 April 2018

Thursday 26th April 2018

We all have the responsibility to look after ourselves. If not for our own reasons, but for the thes we love and care about.

Many years ago, I saw someone I used to love kill herself through deliberate negligence. I left before he had a stroke, lost one leg, her second leg, her sight before death finally took her. But she left a son alone at 16, and all so needless.

I say this too because in the past year both Jools and I have seen friends and family either die or have very serious health problems, and not wishing to labour the point, sometimes we have been blind to our own health. Not any more, as Jols and I have both gone through screening, and as a result, Thursday Jools had an appointment in Canterbury for most of the day. I took the day off to be with her.

I won't go into the details of the day, the endless waiting around, first at the registration, then the registrar, then the consultant before she finally went in for the scan. That was the morning and into the afternoon before we were free, sitting in various waiting areas, looking at the people around us, and wondering if this was our fate now, over 50 and in the system?

One hundred and sixteen It then took half an hour to get out of the city, another half hour to get home. And we were shattered.


So we were home, had a brew and put the radio on. It was four in the afternoon, time to feed the cats and listen to some music on the radio.

All was fine, I put some more peanuts in the back garden for the fox we saw the night before. We thought no more of it.

Fight Sure enough at about eight, foxy came along, but Molly was watching over the fox.

She had just caught a mouse. The fix saw it. And went for the mouse.

Molly pounced, the fox got the dead mouse, but Molly, fearless as ever, the Tortie Terror she is, chased the fox off.

And she was unharmed.

She soon came in, once the fox returned and cleared up the peanuts, but always keeping an eye on Molly. She was happy enough, and our little champion.

Football on the radio, Arse in Europe, dominating the conceding a last minute equaliser. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

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