Saturday 26 September 2020

Friday 25th September 2020

Three months to Christmas.

And economic Brexit.

That cheers the ehart no end.

So, this was the last day of normal. Or what has come to be normal; me working from home and Jools being on Furlough.

Better make the most of it.

Jools is up at five as she has a yoga class at half six, so she is up and working away, clearing up and feeding the cats.

And making me a coffee, ready for when I drag myself out of bed, and she was out the door to the car to drive to the yoga studio.

I laze around, looking on line before making breakfast for when Jools comes home, but finishing mine as I had four hours of online meetings to look forward to.

Close up far away Lucky me.

There is the early mornign meeting; more news on the upcoming improvements. News in that folks can't agree on what needs improving first.

Seems legit.

And then there is the scheduled, rather than unscheduled, auditors meeting, where we talk about audits some more.

Jools comes back, has breakfast, then heads out to Tesco, while I listen on to the audit talk.


I am in my next meeting when Jools comes back home, laden with the week's shop and a month's cat food.

Once I am done with meetings, I help put the stuff away, then make ham rolls for lunch, along with fresh brews.

And then I am especially blessed as a short notice meeting, about audits, was arranged for midday.

We talk about the audits next week in Hampshire, and as I had finally got round to cancelling everyone's hotel reservations that morning, that the other auditor wanted to go was rather a moot point.

Double Trouble But with that sorted, the day went very quiet as colleagues in DK went on an early stack for the weekend. There was no Le Tour for me to watch, of course, but I do finish at three, make us a brew and open a small box of Swiss choclates to go with the fresh coffee.

And that was the working week.

I put on four 80s electropop and electronic twelve inch compilation CDs, that took us from the middle of the afternoon to the cusp of Monty.

In the meantime I cook Tex-Mex ribs, though cheating and bought that from Tesco, but the rest is all my own work, including fonant potatoes, which is a work in progress, but Jools loved them.

Two hundred and sixty nine We have a bottle of non-sparking fizz, which went down well.

And then there was Monty, and then bed. And then the weekend.

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