Wednesday 9 September 2020

Of kittens and cats

Scully has chased poppy in through the kitchen, through the living room, up the stairs and into the back room.

There was lots of hissin, and I had to chase Scully out.

Poppy was fine, she came to me and allowed me to stroke her, and outside Scully was sulking in the wooden chair on the top patio. I hugged and kissed her and told her not to be so much of a bully.

This is very unusual, thigs have settled down very well.

The kittens dote on Jools, but are wary of me. Maybe because I want to pick them up and hug the darlings.

But it is getting better.

And the weeing on the carpet seems to have stopped. It took three days to clean under the table, but there is no bad smell now.

And Cleo has not pooed inside since yesterday morning. In fact the twice daily "gifts" reduced from twice a day to once, and now every now and again.

But the kittens are delightful, the play, roll and tumble and are now stalking birds and mice.

Mulder and Scully have, for the most part accepted them, and some nights all four sleep in the bedroom with us.

Feeding time is frenetic, but we make it easy by feeding them all. A lot.

But life is settling down here, and we will all grow old happy together, which is nice.

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