Wednesday 24 November 2021

Making a (Peppa) pig's ear of it

A week after the Government was forced to put out a statement that the it (the Government) wasn't, in fact corrupt, on Tuesday it was then forced to issue another statement stating the Prime Minister hasn't "lost his grip".

On Monday, during a speech at the CBI conference, he lost his place in his written notes, there was 20 seconds of silence as Johnson tried to refind his place, silent except for three whispered "forgive me"s.

He then tengented off describing a visit to something called Peppa Pig World, which he visited with one of his children on Sunday.

Has anyone here been he asked the meeting in Newcastle?

A few put their hands up, but then it's a six hour drive each way to the location, so few had been.

After, the BBC reporter asked if Johnson was well.

He doesn't look well. Doesn't sound well. Just stumbles on, with talk of backbencher unappiness and briefings against his to the BBC.

There have been three weeks of mistakes and mis-steps, and the chaos looks to continue into winter.

Its a dead cat bounce tactic, we're told.

Others are certainly using him to take attention away from the illiberal and anti-demcratic laws being passed through the Commons.

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