Thursday 4 November 2021

Wednesday 3rd November 2021

After every audit comes the pain of writing the audit report. This should be easy. But isn't. Doubly so if you find something, you have to decide is it a finding or something more serious. If so, you have to justify it showing which clause of the standard is not in compliance. THis can take several hours, longer if there are many findings. And I had to look forward to for the working day. At least 25% of the audits were out of the way, and I learned as much about the process as those I audited. Coffee? Indeed. I slept well, surprisingly as I had not one but two cats sleeping on the bed, both black and white ones, with one, Cleo, sleeping between my feet, and Scully sleeping on the side of the bed stopping me from easily getting out, if I needed. Garrulus glandarius So, we were all well rested, and ready for the day ahead. Tings are still going well for Jools, with their new streamlined process creating enough time to actually catch up. Which is nice. We have coffee. Jools gets ready for work, then goes for a walk. I make a second cup and then set up for the day. All systems go. Three hundred and seven When we woke up, there was a sliver of old moon suspended over a bank of clouds, it looked magical, and deserved a picture, so I try to take a hand held shot so you know I wasn't making this up. Clouds over the Channel And then a snap of the clouds themselves, looking menacing, and they might be full of snow, even if it wasn't cold enough. And back to work. I stop for breakfast and yet more coffee. And back to work. I was able to take half an hour out for a walk, grabbing my boots and camera and walk out the back door. I was struck how chilly it was. Brrr. I walked over the field to Fleet House, then past the pig's copse, hoping to walk down past the farm, but a tractor blocked the way and anyway it looked very muddy down there. And then my back chipped in to suggest it was achey, so I turned round and walked back along Collingwood to check on the patch of wildflowers beside the houses beuilt into the old quarry, where the Winter Heliotropes were looking in fine health, though other wild flowers had been replaced by turf, but I don't think it'll stay like that for long. A quick walk Anyway, back home in time for the quarterly result announcement from the Big Boss, and then put the kettle on for a brew and have lunch of more pasta salad and a small pancake. Yummy. The day continues into the afternoon. I take calls and discuss issues and swap news. A quick walk Time passes. Somehow I don't finish untl four, though I am at a loss now to tell you what I was doing. Dinner was to be breaded chicken, stir fry and noodles, which takes some time to prepare, but is good once done, and all ready to eat once Jools battled through the traffic to the port and up Jubilee Way to home. Pink cloud We eat dinner. Then tidy up and make coffees so that we could share two thirds of a chocolate bar to round the day off. For me, I watch some football, Blackburn v Fulham, and it ended up quite a rout, Blackburn 0, Fulham 7 (seven). I know that's gonna hurt.

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