Wednesday 3 November 2021

Tuesday 2nd November 2021

I audit, therefore I am.

An auditor.

Today, after a month's delay, I begin my next series of major audits.

Which means having to have had breakfast and at least two coffees by half seven when the audit was due to begin.

Three hundred and six Outside it was a glorious day, even before the sun rose, I wish I could have the time to go out to enjoy the day. Maybe I will, if we finished on time.

Harmonia axyridis Jools left for work, I make breakfast and a second coffee, then settle down for the audit, would they be prepared?

I'd soon find out.

Audits can be fun, and this was, actually. A frank exchange of views and evidence, and if I get it acted upon, maybe even improve the company some.

Aster By that time seven hours had gone by, and I have just enough time to put on my boots and grab a camera and go for a walk.

A post work walk Up Station Road to the first lane and past the war memorial.

Not much to report, other than the ground wasn't as soft as I thought it would be, after the heavy rain at the weekend.

A post work walk The wide track narrowed to a path, so overgrown each side that there was barely enough room for a fat bloke to pass by.

The low sun cast a warm light on the landscape, and caused long shadows to form, making me some twenty foot long. I don't walk up to Windy Ridge, instead turn down the hill to home.

A post work walk And there was no dinner to prepare, as it was Mike's birthday, and we were all meeting at Jen's for a takeaway.

A post work walk Be there for half six, Jen told us.

Right you are.

Jools came back, we had a coffee, and was just leaving at twenty past six, when the phone rang: were are you? Jen asked. Now leaving, I said.

A post work walk You did say be there for half six.

Did I?

So, we left knowing the meal had been delivered, and so it was that once we arrived, Jen, John, Jane and Mike were sitting at the table nearly having finished their first plate. We get some food and join them, I took a big bottle of tripel to share with Mike, and we toast his birthday.

We talk and make jokes for an hour or so, leaving just before half eight, driving home in the dark and getting back in time to check on the footy scores before heading to bed.

Its all go.

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