Friday 12 November 2021

The broken clock tells the time

DAG warned us months ago, that we should be wary of a former political advisor telling us just what we want to hear.

That being said, his blog post today was along the lines of:

[Sir David Frost explains to Alexander Boris de Piffel Johnson about what happens when the UK leaves the EU SM]

Oh dear, enough of that, what happens with a deal?

Prime Minister, that is WITH a deal.

The date was October 2020, ten months after political Brexit and three months before economic Brexit.

Could this be true?

It does tally with other sources, but to labour the point, four and a half years after the referendum, the PM and prime mover in Vote Leave, did not know his WA and NIP meant leaving the SM.

So much stupidity.

And there's no going back, of course.

Meanwhile, the UK is rowing back further on "triggering" Article 16, although this in itself doesn't do much, other than start more talks.

But "trigger" makes it sound like a weapon, and Mark Francois can shout bang and pretned he's in the SAS.

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