Tuesday 16 November 2021

Riding the 4th wave

On Monday, Boris Johnson, declared there was a real danger that a further wave of infections could swamp Britain. Ignoring the fact that Britain has been leading Europe in infections for months.

I have detailed on theses posts how daily infection rates are now at around 40k per day and deaths most days in excess of 100 poor souls. It seems this is what the Government is willing to accept as normal and acceptable, and so has given up trying, and any firther worsening will be balemed on the British people for not having common sense, rather than our elected officials taking responsibility.

There is no danger of a 4th wave getting here, as this is where it started.

And yet, life goes on as normal, with sporting and entertainment events carrying on as though life and COVID were a things of the past.

Both Netherlands and Austria have imposed lockdowns for the unvaccinated, and last night Holland played an international football match in an empty stadium.

THe question is, really, how long can the UK Government ignore reality and start to impose further restrictions?

It could be imposed, as always, through SIs, bypassing Parliament and the CRG, Covid Research Group, who are dead set against any reimposition of restrictions, in order to protect the ecoomy. The same economy they are happy to trash in the name of Brexit.

We are careful, we wear masks in shops and restaurants when we do visit them. And this week we will get our booster jabs, and so be protected for the winter.

We hope.

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