Tuesday 16 November 2021

Monday 15th November 2021

Halfway through the month already!

And back to work, of course.

It is dark now when we wake up, and dark when Jools left before six for work in order to catch up. Each day she gets a little further behind, and a little more stressed about it.

Meanwhile. I feel guilty in having a workload in which I am able to think about the issues I face and find. There are worse jobs, I guess, but it would be nice for things just to work, you know? Too much to ask?

It is a grey, dull and damp day, and with lots to do before I do the next major audit on Tuesday.

So, I listen to a podcast, have a second coffee and am ready for work at seven.

Once the Windows updates have installed. Of course.

An hour later, I have breakfast and yet more coffee. I was vibrating at 50Hz by this point. All that energy with nowhere to use it.

An e mail comes in about upcoming gigs in Deal, so I book seats to see Paul Jones, Glen Tillbrook, Hazel O'Connor and the KT Bush Band. One a month into the spring, by which point it'll be orchid season.

That's two hundred quid spent, showing I can spend it as well as earn it.

I make a batch of Norfolk Short Cakes for lunch. Well, not fo lunch, but really for supper after we have eaten our tea, but there really is nothing quite like still warm short cakes with a fresh brew. They were so nice, I have another a couple of hours later, at which point I just want to curl up and go to sleep.

Three hundred and nineteen THe thick cloud made dusk fall earlier, no time for walking, so I pack away work stuff and prepare dinner; marinated chicken strips with curried rice and steamed corn.

So good, and full of flavour.

All ready for when Jools came home. We eat quickly, tidy up and I make brews which we consume with another short cake (for me), we agree they're very good.

For the evening there is yet more football: San Marino v England, which you would think would be a rugby score, if not a cricket score. And yet time after time when you think there would be a thumping win, it never happens.

So, England won 10-0, and could have had double that if they'd had played at full pace. It was their 19th game of the year, half a Premier League season. So many games, its mad.

But we still watch. I watch.

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