Wednesday 24 November 2021

Tuesday 23rd November 2021

On this day in 1963:

JFK murdered.

Dr Who first broadcast.

Jools born.

So, lots to celebrte and think about.

Poor Jools has no chance to take the day off, but she is running out of puff for sure and is looking forward to a long weekend, and then a long break, we hope over Christmas, with a trip away once I get back from Denmark.

Baker man Today, it emerged that her boss, Andy, has blood cancer, probably, but not a serious as it sounds. There are more tests to be done, and then we shall see. But there seems no chance he'll be back at work any time soon. So, for now, she does the work of two people, just about holding production together.

I had a day of audits, or audit, to look forward to. And me being the auditor, the final one in this series, so I had to have coffee, breakfast and second breakfast before half seven, and have a meeting with a colleague.


Then seven hours of auditing.

I know the subject now, and most of the findings are confirming what I had found previously. Some new stuff too, but good friendly people.

I was done by three, by which time too late to go out, as the thick cloud had brough dusk early. Anyway, it was jools' bitherday, and both Jen and Mike were coming for dinner, so I prepare the steak, all so it'll be perfect when cooked. Spuds are zapped in the microwave, garlic mushrooms, chopped and I check there is fizz in the fridge.

The heat is on Jools and Jen arrive at just gone half five, and Mike five minutes later, so I get cooking: steaming the corn and warming the fryer for the fried potatoes. I try to time it well, with four steaks to cook, and then the potatoes and mushrooms to bring it all together.

Three hundred and twenty seven But I do it, dish up, and take it to them sitting at the table.

We toasted Jools, and ate our fill. And then some.

Jen and I washed up, then took the birthday cake through for Jools to blow the single candle out.

Mike has to leave as he's on shift down in the port at six in the morning, and I have to take Jen home, as she don't drive at night now. So, we leave in the car, getting back at half eight with the evening having just about passed us by.


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