Saturday 4 February 2023

Friday 3rd February 2023


Fridays mean meetings.

Lots of meetings.

And this Friday they began at seven and went on to half nine without a break. At least one was our monthly coffee morning, where we talk about whatever we want to, and say what we want to do over the weekend. One of our Indian colleagues, hails from Nepal, so earlier this year, he returned home for a family wedding, and he shared a video of the children in the village at a ceremony, with wonderful music in the background while proud parents look on. Quite the best thing anyone has shared at any of these meetings, a real look into a different life.

The rest was meetings and calls, with yet more problems being shared.

I snatched breakfast and coffees through the meeting between meetings when I could. And all the time I was clock watching, looking at the minute had creeping round the dial.

Outside, the sun shone, but was cold, and anyway, there was little I could do as I had to work and attend meetings.

Truth is, I have a bad back. It is made worse by a minor condition which I will call for being polite, the curse of the Milligans. This means that I can go out for a walk, but get a real pain in the base of my spine. When its sunny I can convince myself this is a good idea, but not when its cloudy. Even if I know I should.

And Friday was sunny, but I really could not be bothered, so when Jools came back I went for a shave, shower and change of clothes. I did feel better.

Thirty four Jools had stuff to sort out, which I will share with you at some point, but not for now. This meant dealing with automated help centres, and when she got to talk to an actual person, tme after time she was cut off. Sorted out in the end, but took hours, by which time it was five, getting dark and getting time for the music quiz.

The quiz is getting ever more cryptic, and this week the first picture was Tom Jones at a bus stop. The ansswer was Tom Waites, which I did get in the end, but not with that clue. Most jumped for The Hollies (we're only allowed on guess), as they had a song called Bus Stop, apparently.

And then it was off the Jen's for supper and cards.

Supper was pizza and lasagne. And wine. We ate and laughed, and all was good.

We cleared away, washed up, and then played cards. into the next to last hand, Jen suddeny says she could not see the cards and was unsure of what she was doing. She felt dizzy, so we took her into the living room and measured her blood pressure, and found it was low.

She recovered, but in ten minutes it happened again.

She recovered again and we ended our game, though we were worried. Doubly as she usually has high blood pressure.

Anyway, she's fine today and was out and about with John.

So, all good.

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