Wednesday 15 February 2023

Tuesday 14th February 2023

Valentine's Day.

Patron Saint of greeting card manufacturers.


Due to the packed second half of the week, Jools said she would go swimming Monday and Tuesday mornings, then go to work half an hour earlier the next two days so she can leave off early.

That was the plan.

And that's what happened. I slept through the alarm only waking up as she was getting her coat out of the porch before leaving.

"Coffee's ready to go" she shouted as she breezed out.

I looked at my feet, Cleo had gone down with Jools for breakfast, then came back to bed, and I didn't feel her get off or back on the bed.

Misty morning This time of the year, on clear days, we are treated to spectacular sunrises out the back of the house, even on mornings when theres mist or fog. I was out snapping away getting shots, just in case I saw nothing else through the day.

Eranthis hyemalis And then to work, and there was meetings, meetings about meetings, and meetings about possible meetings to look forward to.


But that was that, really.

The day crawled.

I realised that this was the last day before the weekend I would cook, as we would probably eat out Thursday, Friday at Jen's and will defrost something tomorrow. Its all very nice arranging things, but it does meaning our lovely warm house where all our stuff is and not having to interact with idiots.

Forty five I'm thinking of you, drunken lady on Christmas Day.

I went for a walk at half two, having packed up work.

I walked up Station Road to the air crash memorial, past that and along to the other side of Windy Ridge before turning down towards the farm and to home.

The greenway I saw little new, but did 9,000 steps, though my back did complain, a lot, so I had to find places to sit to reset it.

I did see a Primrose out, looking fabulous in the low afternoon sunshine, and as shadows lengthened I walked beside the pasture heading east.

It was cold, my back hurt and I had no music on. I failed to enjoy the walk.

Back home then, to sit and rest before making hash for dinner. Boiling diced potatoes, slicing onions and peppers before skinning the chorizo and slicing that.

We were going to have a day off wine/cider, but Jools said she needed cider, so I had the last of the decent wine in the bottle.

I muslti-tasked in the evening: listened to Marc on the wireless, watched the Burnley v Watford game on the computer and followed Norwich on Twitter. I gave up on the televised game as it entered injury time, Burnely were never going to equalise after falling behind. Thus I missed the late leveller and the mad celebrations. Though Norwich did win, 3-1 at home against Hull.

So, who knows.

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