Monday 6 February 2023

Lights on but no one home

So, Liz Truss made her big comeback yesterday, blaming her downfall not on her batshit crazy unfunded tax cuts, but the "left-wing economic establishment.

Now either she means domestic and international markets, and herself being a self-confessed free-marketeer probably does, or she could mean reality.

Because Brexit is, at its most basic level, dogma and belief against reality.

Truss says she wasn't warned about the effects of the mini-budget, this partly helped, no doubt, by the sacking of the head civil servant to the Treasury, but even there, its clear warnings were given.

And ignored.

She still believes.


Wanting something to happen when all reason and reality says it won't.

Brexit in a nutshell.

Truss wants lower taxes, and when asked in an interview if he would listen to Trus, Sunak said he would.

He could and should have laughed.

The Conservative Party now has three leaders, three PMs, and the Party unable or unwilling to stop Johnson and Truss freelancing.

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