Friday 3 February 2023

In denial of reality

As I wrote a few days ago, this week marks the 3rd anniversary of Brexit becoming a reality.

Shall we review the benefits of Brexit, thus far:

*tumble weeds*

When asked, Brexiteers say that the vaccine rollout was a result of Brexit. But this just isn't true, as 2020 the Transition Agreement was in place, and the UK applied the laws and regulations of the EU, so could only take actions that any other member of the EU could. Because later, Denmark bought its own supplies of vaccines to vaccinate children under 16 years old. And then there is the claim that the UK was able to offer more support to Ukraine. This is also a lie.

And, in an amazing turn of events, former PM and part time Brexiteer, Aleaxander Boris de Piffel Johnson, suggested that for security Ukraine should join NATO and the EU. This from the man who dragged us as a nation out of the EU. How can't he see the hypocracy in this?

Bexit has not made the country richer, provided more money for the NHS, secured our borders and far from creating British jobs for British people, hundreds of thousands vacancies remain unfilled: economic inactivity adding to the stagflation, but for the most part those who were respnsible for securing the WA, rather than take the blame, people like David Davies instead blames those in his negotiating team for being to sympathetic to the EU.

Like all shit leaders, Ministers and managers, he like most Toties are happy to take credit when something goes wrong, but never the blame when it goes wrong. Like Brexit.

Some polls are suggesting that the Tories are showing such low support that the SNP could become the official opposition. In Westminster.

We'd love to see it

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