Monday 26 June 2023

7 (seven) wasted years

The weekend saw the 7th anniversary of the referendum result which saw the electorate of the UK vote by a narrow margin to leave the EU.

The referendum itself was advisary and so non-binding.

Sucecssive Governments not only have treated the result as binding, and "voice of the people", the narrowness of the victory itself was forgotten, and 52% rounded up to 100% and 48% rounded down to zero.

"You lost, get over it", we who wanted to remain were told.

As Brexit has failed to deliver its promised nirvana, we respond with "you won, get over it".

Someone once said, "a Government competant to deliver Brexit wouldn't". And so its numerous failures have been blamed on everything except that its Brexit itself that is to blame.

The Civil Service is blamed most often, for prosecuting Brexit policies, for being the establishment remain blob. But, the reality is, you can't polish a turd, it'll always be shit, and so it is with Brexit.

Brexiteers fear that first step in closer relations with the EU, as they think it'll lead to many more.

It will.

Holding back the tide or closer, normal relations is like holding the tide back. Its not going to work.

But for the time being, until one or both the main parties admit that Brexit wasn't the brightest idea, we will play the charade of "pin the blame on somethig else".

These Brexit posts have pretty much stopped as there is little to say until the elephant in the room is exposed, and as a country, we decide to do something about it.

Meanwhile, with each passing day, the nation gets poorer, and the country a little bit more run down.

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