Friday 30 June 2023

Thursday 29th June 2023

Or, over halfway through the year and nearly at the end of the month.

In India there was another public holiday, my two Danish colleagues are still in Taiwan, and my boss, well, she had her house are recovering from two student arties the same evening.

I was home, working. Alone.

Not counting cats.

Today, we were supposed to have storms, so I turn on the storm radar and see the nearest are in the South of France, and although winds were blowing them north, they were light.

One hundred and eighty Rain did come at ten, and carried on for six hours, never really getting heavy, but steady enough to do the garden good.

It even got breezy and cold enough not only to close the back door, but to put a jumper on too.

Once work finished, I sat on the sofa with Scully and read the rest of WSC, while outside the last of the rain fell.

Dinner was easy: asparagus fried in butter and the last of the bread, followed by oversweet shop-bought cheesecake to go with the evening coffee.

A quiet day in a quiet week.

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