Wednesday 21 June 2023

Tuesday 20th June 2023

Second day back at work, and the day began with leaden skies, and got darker. Storms rolled along the Channel, petering out before they reach us.

And then skies darkened further, and a fresh storm began just offshore from St Margaret's. A strike even lead to a power cut at one point.

One hundred and seventy one Rain hammered down for two or three hours, while the storm that had formed offshore, drifted along the North Seas coast of Belgium and the Netherlands.

Summer rain It brightened up here, skies cleared and a few more butterflies were seen in the garden.

Winds picked, blew clouds over, turning the day from warm and humid to being much cooler.

Any plans for orchid chasing in the evening was shelved, and instead I spent my time preparing dinner: herb crusted lamb, Moroccan spiced rive and creamed spinach.

And wine.

A day in which a lot, and nothing, happened.

So it goes, so it goes.

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