Thursday 22 June 2023

Wednesday 21st June 2023

Longest day of the year.

Third day back at work, and back in the old routine.

I sleep through the alarm, Jools gets ready for work, then has a coffee ready for me when I get up and she is about to leave.

I used to not go back to sleep once awake, but now I do. Most days.

Holiday season has not quite begun at work, the Danish part, but its close, and you really get the feeling everyone is on the slope towards the beach. My boss is off, though is because her two daughters have graduated, and once kids graduate over there, there is a two week party.

One hundred and seventy two Exactly.

So, I get ready for work, and all is fine. My task for the day is to write a draft agenda for a series of audits I am to do at the beginning of September, and that will take most of the day.

Tap, tap, tap.

Went my fingers on the keyboard.

The day is going well, when out of nowhere I get an ocular migraine. There is nothing else other than to sit in the dark and wait it out.

Oedemera nobilis It came close enough so I could log out at half two and not feel too guilty about missing much work.

I even go for a walk to try to reset whatever it is that triggers them.

Its been a while since I walked round the neighbourhood, and with the recent rain, my routes are somewhat limited.

So I go over the field to Fleet House, snapping all flowers, butterflies and insects I see, and there are more now to see, though the Common and Adonis Blues I see are very tatty and not long for this world.

Polyommatus icarus Down past the farm I see deep and muddy puddles. That in itself isn't a problem, but the tracks beyond would be muddy too, so I decide to double back along Collingwood and to home.

Back home I feel washed out, so the planned trip out was cancelled, even when Jools said she'd come along.

There's always tomorrow, and even then, who knows?

And no football whatsoever to watch. I went to bed early.

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