Thursday 1 June 2023

Wednesday 31st May

The last day of the month and about to enter what we laughingly call "high summer", when in fact its cool enough still some nights to get an air frost, and during the day, I put the heating on.

What this day brought was pain and agony.

But first it was a slight lay in, and a coffee.

It was chilly, so I put some socks on.

Or I bent over to put some socks on.

And my back went "click".

And clicked again.

I knew what this meat, my lower two vertebrae, or the tendons connecting them, did not work, and for a moment the lower one hyper extended before being released.

One hundred and fifty one Not as bad as four years ago when it took four weeks for some kind of normality to return and the pain to fade, but bad enough.

Jools rubbed some cooling gel on and I took a pill.

I could walk, though sitting was painful.

Nothing Jools could do so she went to work, I messaged my boss and she told me to take the day off.

Which I did.

I got an ice pack and put that on my back, sat for half an hour and walked around, alternated that all morning. Had a shower and went to bed, where I fell asleep, and when I woke up I had Cleo asleep beside me, pinning me against the wall.

Not much else to tell about the rest of the day: I sat around, applied an ice pack at regular intervals, then shuffled around the house making a brew or feeding the cats.

I cooked dinner, chicken and chips, we eat and Jools clears away while I sit at the table feeling sorry for myself.

For the evening there was football.


Europa League Final, Seville v Roma, and was a shit game, lots of shithousery and fake injuries, while Jose complained on the sidelines.

1-1 at full time, and the end of extra time. I was fo fed up before the penalties, so little did i care.

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