Friday 23 June 2023

Thursday 22nd June 2023


And I begin the day, once out of my pit, checking the moth trap I had set up the night before, and was rewarded by a single Elephant Hawk Moth, along with several brown jobs of various sizes and activity.

One hundred and seventy three I'd go back to check on them, I told myself.

And then didn't, until dinner time.

Meanwhile, it was work and the usual stuff with which to fill my day.

Not much to report of any use, except I did get the confirmation of my pay award for this year, so in return I told my boss I had 26 months left before I retire.

But you're not old enough she wailed.

Well, yes.

And no.

So, having said when the time comes if I'm still happy, I'd carry on, we ended the meeting.

And then the migraine hit. Again.

Once the sparking lights started, there was nothing for it other than to give up work for an hour, sit in the dark and quiet.

And no sooner than I logged on to work again, than another began to build, so gave up for the day.

I spent the afternoon inside, in the dark, with a headache.

By the time Jools came back, I was feeling better, well enough to cook hash anyway. And drink wine.

Which was nice.

But I did head to bed at eight, read for a bit as the nights draw in.

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