Saturday 29 July 2023

Friday 28th July 2023

On Monday my boss returns, so this was my last day in charge.

Phew, its been tough!

In reality, its been quiet really, with just one issue keeping my eye off the ball.

Being a Friday, Jools was up early and off to yoga at six, so I could then put the bins out.

The day started out damp and cool, but was due to clear up and get sunny. Which would be nice.

At half nine, I watched England women play Denmark in the World Cup, that played on my laptop while I worked on my work machine, attending meetings and the such.

Lunch was the remainder of the leftover fritters and garlic aioli, which was every bit as good as the day before, but it did leave my mouth with dreadful breath. I cleaned my teeth and have some oatcakes with marmalade just to take the rest of the flavour of the garlic away.

I wrapped up work at two, put the computer away, then went out to carry out the butterfly count for Butterfly Conservation. Hundreds of thousands of people over a three week period take 15 minutes to count how many butterflies and of which species they see in 15 minutes.

I strike gold with six species, including a new species for the garden: Small Heath, though I get no shots of that before it flew off.

I was luckier with a female Common Blue (brown form),

Two hundred and nine A Red Admiral sheltering from the wind,

Vanessa atalanta And a fine Comma resting beside the pond.

Polygonia c-album Sweet.

When Jools comes back, we have the last slice of lemon tart before I do the music quiz so we can then go to Jen's for cards. We had chicken tenders and spicy breaded shrimp for supper before clearing away and playing.

In a turn up, I win the pot at the end of the evenig, 30p the richer, which I promise won't change me.

We leave before nine as the A2 was to be closed for more work on the new bridge, so we slip by as the cones were being placed.

It am the weekend.

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