Tuesday 11 July 2023

Monday 10th July 2023

Welcome to Monday.


We did lots over the weekend, and so the weekend seemed longer than usual, but still came round way too fast.

On top of that, I am acting manager and my manager's manager is also off, so all out of mail messages lead back to me.

Up at half five, and the light out the back of the house was good good, I grabbed my camera to record it. You have to be up very early or very late to see shadows this long in July.

One hundred and ninety one Jools didn't go swimming, instead we both had a slow start, partly caused by cats waking us during the night.

My main task of the day was to arrange and book travel to Denmark in September, and once that is done, think about a trip to France two weeks later.

I start work and found nothing exciting had happened, or I had been invited to any extra meetings, but I have three weeks of this, so we shall see.

And that's how the day progressed; most of my European colleagues are on their summer holibobs, and the rest I only speak at department meetings, so life is quiet and no excuse not to get things done.

Tony will have noticed I have not mentioned Le Tour so far this year, and to be honest, there hasn't really been time to watch it, certainly not last week. I could take to the couch with the laptop I suppose, but not yet, and its nearly half over.

And yet, even with that, I still don't go out for a walk, or finish harvesting the hay from the lawnmeadow. Instead Scully and I sit on the patio, she asleep and me watching for butterflies.

The afternoon passes, and soon it is time for dinner, so I prepare dirty burgers for dinner. Burgers with onion, pickles, cheese, and curry ketchup.

When she gets home, Jools asks if we could have fizz, so we do.


And that is that, really. A cooler evening, which holds the promise of a good night's sleep if my brain will let me kip.

Let us hope so.

1 comment:

nztony said...

Tony notices everything