Friday 14 July 2023

Thursday 13th July 2023

Thursday, and so nearer the weekend than Wednesday.

And I had an excuse to finish early, as I had a dental appointment to go to in town. I have to go, lest we are removed from their patient list and we would be unable to be seen anywhere.

And although I went last year, that wasn't an inspection.

So it goes.

It was to be a day of showers, though for the most part it was breezy with sunshine.

I would sit in the garden with Scully later, but straight into work and on with reviewing the updates of my audit findings, checking and cross-checking which takes most of the day.

Or until it was time to leave for town. I had been trying to call Jen all day, but there was no answer, and with the buses now going via Guston and so taking an age, I call for a cab. He had one slot, either take it or leave it.

I had no choice, so was climbing into the cab at ten past two, and in town ten minutes later.

I stood on Castle Street with the road climbing behind me and the castle perched on the chalk down high above. It really is a fine view, even better in the castle looking down. Eating an ice cream.

One hundred and ninety four But I wasn't her for fun, it was for pain.

I wandered around, checked the menu of an Italian place maybe for dinner next week, and the prices of houses in the agent's window next door, then up the the surgery, climb the stairs and into the waiting room.

I wait half an hour, then shown in when, no matter how hard he looked, Mr Dentist couldn't find anything wrong, other than I brush too hard.


I regale him with tales from above the Arctic Circle, which he is really interested to hear about, Then down to action, fingers in my mouth and all conversation ends.

I was out at quarter to four, so what to do?


Of course.

In reality I have not been inside a pub in a while, so that sounded very good.

I walked to the Market Square and round to the Hoptomist, which is now one of only two micropubs in the town.

The Hoptomist I order an IPA, then go and sit in the courtyard, warm enough out of the wind, and perfect place for a quiet pint.

I follow that with a pint of mild, and chat with the folks on the next table, a couple from St Albans, who were down sampling beer over three or four days.

This being their last day, we gave them tips, tips for their next trip down, perhaps.

I sent a second pint of mild down, as well as some cheese and onion crisps.

And then it was quarter past five, time to call Jools and ask her to pick me up, and on the way to the meeting point I picked up pizza for dinner, some cider and a pack of cookies.

Jools arrives outside the White Horse, I pour myself in and we drive back home.

Pizzas were warmed, I pour her the cider, I have half a bottle of beer, and we sit down to eat and be merry.

And that was Thursday.

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