Saturday 8 July 2023

Friday 7th July 2023

I found out that for the next two weeks I will be acting (unpaid) defacto Head of Global Quality.

Lucky me.

I hope, that as most of the European oganisation takes July off, there won't be many meetings.

I have two weeks travel to arrange and a document to review. Lets see how many days/weeks those two tasks will take.

Yes, ladies and gentlepeeps, we have made it to the weekend, or near to it, just have a morning of back to back meetings to get through. One of which was our montly "coffee morning", where I showed my colleagues the photos and videos of our trip to Svalbard.

To say they were impressed would be an understatement. Not of my picures, but the animals and landscapes we saw. For those in Chennai who are currenrly experiencing temperatures of over 40 degrees, ice and snow is something most never will see. But opened up the world to them, and may said they would love to do that.

I finish at midday, or just after, as Jen, John and Sylv was coming round to take me to Hythe, for the annual trip for fish and chips at Torbay of Hythe, where we had a table booked.

And as last year, there was traffic chaos, so we had to make our way along the Alkham Valley, then onto the motorway, over the downs into Hythe.

We arrived safe and sound, and after parking the car, we walked to the high street then along to the chippy.

One hundred and eighty eight John and Sylv ran interferance, causing issues for the waitress, doubly so as we had to wait for Jools to come from work when she finished at one.

And once she arrived, our order was taken, and then a half hour wait, or so it seemed, for the food to be cooked. As usual I has skate and chips, and as the fish had been so big, I got a slice of wing, which was nearly two inches thick at the top, and was more than enough for me.

And then we had to leave as Jools had an eye test back in Dover at half two, and it was a hike to collect the car, then deal with the traffic queues on the A20, down Old Folkestone Road and their traffic lights to get to the place with a minute to spare.

I stayed in the car lest a traffic warden came, the car told me it was 28, and felt double that as there was no wind.

Jools needs new glasses, so there goes another chunk of cash. But then we're lucky as we can afford it. A few years ago this would have driven a hole in our finaces for a few months. Now, its meh.

We drove home, having to deal with an open day at the Duke of Yorks, and that the two alternate routes through Guston or along Reach Road were both closed to yet more roadworks.

We got home at five, meaning there was just enough time for a brew before the music quiz, and then out to Jen's for cards.

A single game of meld took nearly three hours and three bottles of wine!

Back home, we sat outside and I tried the new batch of sloe port whilst sitting on the patio. The fox came up to gently remind us we hadn't put out his supper. So we did.

And off to bed at half ten, while the fox ate well outside.

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