Saturday 31 December 2016

2016: The year compassion and truth died

Yesterday, in the Daily (Hate) Mail, columnist Jan Moir posted a top ten of the most crashing bores who made 2016 wearisome for her and those on the Nazi alt-right. Top of the list was Lilly Allen who went to see the "Jungle" camp in Calais and wept at the conditions she saw. She also apologised on behalf of Britain for they way they were treated. So, there you have it, from the peddler of lies and untruths, being human is something to be derided. What the actual fuck has happened to this country and its people that we have so lost sight of what being human is that compassion and caring for others is something to be moaned at?

And yet, at the same time, people wonder where all the hate we see in the world is coming from? Yes, I wonder too. Immigrants, the poor, the unemployed, single mothers, the disabled, anyone non-white have been the subject to hate and vilification form either the Brexiteers or their cheerleaders, of the moron-elect in the US of A.

Why doesn't the press call out these sum for what they are? Because they are in on it too, blaming anyone but white people for anything. Even when it is there fault, they blame others for pointing out how useless they are. Talking down Britain is how pointing out the flaws in their "plans".

Tomorrow I will post about my hopes and predictions for the new year, but most of all, I hope and pray that Britain finds its humanity and begins to love each other and everyone non-British and non-white.

You might say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.

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