What with one thing and another, and the fact we had switched the heating off, we did not wake up until nearly eight. Santa had called, but throughout the house there were expectant cats waiting for their breakfast.
Once we had fed the mogs, had the first coffee of the day, I warm up the leftover rolls in the over, then smother them with melted butter and apricot jam. Along with another coffee, this was a wonderful breakfast, and set us up for the day, a day filled with very little.
We put the radio on, and I begin thinking about Christmas dinner. Or lunch as it turned out to be. A thought occurred to me that the turkey might require some cooking. I did some mental maths, and thought I had better come with a plan. Frozen was on TV after the Queen's Speech, which we don't watch any more. But the twelve pound crown would take four and a half hours cooking. Five for cash, then resting time. Which meant if we were going to eat in time to see the film, it should have been in the over half an hour ago!
I weighed it, so to accurately calculate the cooking time; the scales only go up to eight pounds. I hope that the scales are nearly as good on the second revolution, so think 12 pounds looked right. I unwrap it, put it in the pan, cover with foil and pop into a warmed oven.
Over the next 5 hours I peel and boil the potatoes, prepare the vegetables and mix the Yorkshire Pudding batter. All the while the house fills with the wonderful smell of the roasting meat. At two, I cocok the potatoes, and twenty past begin with the vegetables. I open the beer I won from work a couple of months back, it is dark and very strong. But smooth, and is a fine beer.

The meal is wonderful, including a bacon infused gravy, and lashings of it too. It beats us, of course, and with Desert Island Disks playing we sit on the sofa, stuffed. Frozen gets put on, and it is a fine Disney film, certainly one of the best in recent years, and looks good too.
Once Frozen ends, we tidy up and I carve the turkey which goes on and on and on. I will bag it up for freezing when its cold. The washing up is done, just in time for Dr Who, which is lighthearted as the Christmas one usually is. Not that I watched it, or too closely anyway. But Jools thought it OK.
With the sofa calling, we go back to watch the concluding the episodes of Modus. We finish that at half eleven, which gives time to check on the interwebs.
I am shocked to learn that George mIchael is the latest famous pop star to pass away; dying peacefully in his sleep earlier that day. 53 is no age really, and looking back it is easy to remember what a star he was, and what a great songwriter he was too. A glorious career in pop, from Wham Rap all the way through the 80s. Wake me up Before you Go0Go and Freedom 90 were two wonderful pop songs. Pop music is something to be celebrated, and none shone brighter than George.
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