There is coffee. There is breakfast. And then there is daylight. Although, not obviously earlier than the day before. But, work calls, so best get on with it.
Already I see most of my colleagues are already off for the holidays as my mails are answered with out of office messages. Oh well.
Mid-morning, there is no avoiding the pain that is the scanning of receipts; paring them all up with travel claims, and then sending the scans off to head office to do whatever they do it is they with them.
I get the scanner out, and the dozen or so envelopes I have the receipts on, and begin scanning.
Jools returns, and I keep on scanning. Boys keep scanning. Apparently.
We have mushroom soup for dinner, along with some fresh bread JOols had picked up on her shopping trip down town, and I return to my scanning. Once I have scanned them all, I then send them via mail to my work addy, then re-direct them to my boss to sign off.
One final task is to speak with him to let him know the status of things as he is finishing too until the new year, and that as best as I can be, situation is under control.
Meanwhile, Storm Barbara builds, and blows, but down here on the south coast, its not too bad, and just seems a windy day, rather than be your actual storm.
Darkness falls with us listening to the last Radcliffe and Maconie show; it ends as it traditional with The Unthanks and Slade.
We watch another episode of Modus before tackling the cheese board and cracking open another festive beer. Later on there is double TOTP, including Renee and bloody Renato; even cheesier than our cheese board.

What a year it's been.
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