Thursday 8 June 2017

Wednesday 7th June 2017

Quite where the year is going to, I don't know, I mean its the beginning of the 2nd week in June already.

At least the rain had stopped, but outside everything was dripping wet, and in a few days the rain would mean everything would be putting on a growth spurt. Jools went into work early again, said she was nearly caught up and so would be the last time she did it. I heard her downstairs at half five, so go down to have a few minutes with her before she leaves.

I put the radio on, make coffee and have breakfast, in the quiet, well, quiet with the radio playing in the background, and all three cats went upstairs back to bed. Situation normal.

I have now tracked down my mobile phone, and had to pay, or the company pay, £90 to have it shipped back. But I rationalise that it's cheaper than asking for a new phone from IT.

One hundred and fifty six It is a quiet day, work, and cats, coffee, lunch, work, radio. And in the afternoon it was warm enough to take the new edition of When Saturday Comes along with my reading glasses, and a coffee out to the shelter to sit in the sunshine. Only Mulder wants attention, jumps on my lap, then walks forward flattening the magazine. He looks me in the eye and says "meow"? I push him off, but then he jumps back up landing on my chest between my eyes and the magazine.



The garden dries out quick, and already the pots look dry, but don't need watering that day. I tend the wisteria, training their tendrils around the support post of the shelter, hoping that they will grow further like this. It might even mean my plan has worked. Wouldn't that be a thing.

The old fallback of pasta salad and breaded aubergine for dinner, so I spent a couple of hours preparing the pasta then slicing and then egg and breadcrumbing the aubergine. And finally pan frying it until golden brown. Frying them of course, and enough to have cold the next day too.

Tastival And that was Wednesday, sitting on the sofa with Jools and Molly watching Springwatch. Not bad end to the day.

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