Sunday 10 June 2018

Friday 8th June 2018

The last day of the week, and I have to admit that I was feeling pretty bushed.

Outside it was a glorious day, but I would be stuck inside working, slaving away over a sweaty keyboard, the cats will sleep or occasionally come to demand something, but my day would be pretty much taken until about four when the weekend would begin.

Jools leaves me and the cats at about half six, and so I put the radio on, potter about, have breakfast and get ready to start working.

One hundred and fifty eight Through the day I took breaks, sat outside on the patio in the warm sunshine, soaking up the rays hoping to see butterflies or some other flying insects.

But there is always work. Always.

The border Mid-morning I stop for lunch, sit outside again to eat pate and crisp sandwiches.

And then back to the grindstone.

And by two I think I am back in control.

Foxglove The garden is looking good, although the meadow has failed this year, mainly because when we dug the new beds, much of the soil, although poor in quality, but good enough for grass, was spread over the lawn, covering the yellow rattle seeds and the wild meadow mix I had sown. There is some rattle, and some oxeye daisies along with some new grasses that have shown, but in poor numbers considering the amount of seed put down.

Lupin So in order to make it lawn/meadow presentable, I mow the lower half and along the edges of the wavy path, and it does look much better. I also cut down some of the poppies that look like they were creating a jungle growing from the old square beds.

Jools comes back at half four, after meeting a friend, so we sit in the garden and have ice cream, looking at what we have created in a few shots months, now that many of the plants were either flowering or growing on hard ready to explode with colour.

We done good.

I cook dinner, and after eating and washing up, we both plant a load of sunflower seedlings to further fill out the beds. We water them in, then all we have to do is wait for nature to do its thing.

With a huge day of exciting things planned for Saturday, we head to bed at nine, once Monty had finished, to get some beauty sleep, we need loads. So to be be bright-eyed and bushy tailed in the morning.

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