Friday 15 June 2018

Thursday 14th June 2018

Same as yesterday, but with added bin collection and another walk to the doctors to collect the pills they didn't get in on Tuesday.

Summer storms are a rare thing, and even rarer in Kent away from western shores and winds. But we saw some wind here. Or felt it. It toppled over an empty water butt, and tousled a few climbing plants, but apart from that, we escaped.

And very little rain, just some drizzle carried in the teeth of the westerly, meaning that come three when I set out for the doctor's, I put a coat on as I was going to get, if not wet, but damp.

So strange to see the muted colours of winter in June, but that's what it is like when the weather turns like this.

I walk down Station Road, past the new build house, and it's garden which looks like a lawn from a car speeding past, is revealed to be a wildflower mix of weeds and rye grass. They have put up a gate, which means, you would think they might be moving in soon. But then its looked like it's ready for a few months now.

One hundred and sixty four Up the other side, dodging past the workmen's vans parked to repair the gushing water main, again.

Into the village, down past the pond and the school up the hill to the surgery. The pills were ready this time, so I put them in my pocket and turn for home.

The pond has ten ducklings now, not the eight I said on Tuesday, but they are nearly adult, and all busy preening themselves once they were satisfied I had no food for them.

I miss the village shop and its fabulous ice cream display, wanting to get home for the football, least I miss a minute of Russia v Saudi Arabia.

I get back in time to turn the sound down on Putin's speech, make a brew and sit down, and spend the next 90 minutes fighting sleep, my eyes dropping a few times.

Russia win 5-0, and look OK, whereas Saudi, on paper and in the rankings the better team, just froze.

Jools is home so I poil the potatoes and cook up the prepared vegetables and sausage for Chorizo Hash, heck I had even remembered to put som pink fizz in the fridge to cool.

1 comment:

nztony said...

Always interested to get updates on the new house at the dip on Station Road - stunned how long it is taking to be fully finished though. I saw the previous building, an old dilapidated shed there when I checked it on GSV recently.