Monday 9 August 2021

A new age of unreason: footnote

Something that occurred to me overnight, was that the same mindset that allows people to deny reality with COVID, vaccines, masking and so on will be increased many times when the reality of climate change s tackled, and these fuckwits are forced to drive an electric car rather than a gas-guzzling vehicle with a combustion engine.

THe levels of denials, especially from the oild companies, I mean you saw how hard big tobacco fought against the clear medical evidence on how bad smoking was, they denied it, fought against it as they would rather carry on making money that stop giving their customers lung cancer.

If we don't stop burning things, oil coal, gas and so on, first of all the plantet will fund out of reserves, and then there will be no choice to switch to renewables. But the difference will be that we would have caused more destuction on the only planet we can survive on.

Pictures of the fires in Greece, where people were being evacuated with the land around a lake on fire, looking for all the world like the best specials effects movie you never saw. But this is real. The extreme heatwave will spread to Italy and Spain this week, temperatres pushing fifty degrees. People and wildflife will die. And Jeremy Clarkson will carry on doing Top Gear or whatever his latest gig is called. A decade and a half ago he drove to the North Pole to show that climate change was a haox, despite their vehicle nearly falling through the pack ice several times.

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