Friday 6 August 2021

The decline of the Brexit empire

In his blog this week, Chris Grey highlights, once again, there is unlikely to be a single moment when the folly of Brexit is revealed, instead things will just get slowly less good.

There will be "adequate" food, just not a whole lot of choice, unless you can apy much more.

There will be less repairs to roads and buildings, our rights and freedoms will be erroded, we wll be less wealthy than otherwise would have been. Even those who would admit it, will just tutt loudly and put the kettle on for a cuppa.

If there is tea to drink.

Of course.

Many Brexiteers will deny the effects of the foolish policy they pushed on us, instead blaming something else, like COVID, but like the supply of food and other goods to supermarkets at the moment, there is COVID again to blame, or driver retiring, or there being no tests for new drivers.

Or whatever.

It will be the small things.

For example, Dover District Council will not be collecting garden waste for the time being. Collections have been suspended this week because fo a lack of staff. This service is above and beyond what our council tax pays for, and we pay extra for, no news on if we will get a refund. But a shortage of people to man every truck in the fleet, so the council will concentrate on core collections of blac and blue bins, bi-weekly.

Most of the people who collect our bins are hired through other companies, not emplyed by the council any more. Tis is because managing holidays, sick pay and pensions is such a drag, they layed off as many council workers as possible and got companies in to run the services for them, and paid a flat fee. Those who did this, were mostly EU citizens, paid a zero contract minimum wage, and most have now gone home or working other jobs where they are more valued.

There are shortages of staff in supermarkets, pubs and restaurants and in farming where, we are told, that crops are left to rot int he fields as there is no staff to pick and pack it. Just like was warned and then warnings were ignored by Brexiteers and claimed to be "project fear".

Tutt. Cuppa?

We don't have Yorkshire Tea, will Tesco basic do?

Yes, it's adequate.


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