Sunday 29 August 2021

The Sunday Mail says

And I want to get this right.

"Let's unite with the EU...... to crush the curse of border bureaucracy.

Irony is dead.

The Mail seems to understand that as bad as things are now, they will get worse in October when the UK phases in some import checks, and again in January when all goods will be subjected to inspections.

Things about the TCA is its not about managing alaignment, but managing divergance.

On January 1st, the UK and EU had the same standards, but the point, the only point in Brexit is to diverge from these, otherwise there is no point in going through this. But divergance makes border controls all the more important and thorough.

If the Mail, and others, want to smooth trade, then alignment of standards is needed. But that is incompatable with Brexit, or the Government's definition of it.

Christmas is already being threatened, at least in the papers where there is talk of there being a fresh turkey shortage due to lack of staff for slaughter and processing, and now shortage of bacon for pigs in blankets due to import checks.

These are the consequence of the Brexit that Johnson wanted, the problems that were warned about, but ignored.

But it seems the message has not gotten through to the Mail of Brexiteers, that Brexit itself is the reason, nothing else, and the hardest version of Brexit imposed on us by Johnson means that there is a hard border. Somewhere. Between the UK and EU, just where that is.

NI is caught in the middle, but allowed to be in SM for some goods, but that means that goods from Britain to NI is subject to similar checks and inspections if it was going to the EU. Again, Johnson's choice.

I have written this so many times, you have read these so many times, how hard can it be for papers like the Mail and Brexiteers to understand. Leaving had consequences, you won: get over it.

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