Sunday 29 August 2021

Cats and dogs matter, brown lived don't......

There is a well connected guy called Pen Farthing. I kid you not.

He has friends in Government, and runs an animal charity, and through the week, "Pen" was arranging a flight from Kabul of the pets of UK officials.

Yesterday, his charity flight was the last civillian flight in and out of the airport.

Thousands of actual people who risked their lives in helping the UK Government and military were left behind.

Afgan Hounds lives matter, Afgan lived don't.

I love animals, we have four cats, but should the evacuation of pets be put above the lives of actual people?

Of course not.

These are the values the West have shown to ordinary Afgans who helped us, and we have abandoned.

One message from this lovely chap, Pen, to an FCO offical was, apparently: "if you don't help me, I will destroy you".

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