Tuesday 17 August 2021

Monday 16th August 2021

And I start the new week with an announcement:

Next week I am being interviewed by the podcast I listen to, as part of my subscriber benefits, David Hepworth and Mark Ellen are going to make me a subject of one of their birthday podcasts, asking me about my journey through music.

I received confirmation of the Zoom call today, I jsut have to gather some stuff to talk about.

It ends with the question: what was the best record ever made? I have given this a LOT of thought, and have written a post about it, so not sure which post that was, but I just have to remember what I wrote.

Anyway, once it is recorded and punlished, I will publish the link here.

Anyway, to Monday and back to te working week.

After a three day weekend, the effort required to go back to work is getting larger. Even Jools lingered until the last minute before leaving for the factory. And I log on to work at ten past seven to find dozens of mails had tumbled in.

Two hundred and twenty seven Here we go.

And Monday was the day of "the great announcement" the reoganisation of the department, or the larger structure. Although even after two hours of words and statements, what it means for me, is unclear.

But the earth didn't move for me.

Other than that, not much to report. I can't say what I did at work all day, but as always it took all day to do it, and even then I didn't feel like I had achieved much. The weather wasn't good enough to go out in, cloudy and cool with a keen breeze, almost cool enough to consider turning the heating on. It has been an odd summer, w cool and wet, and already the days are over an hour shorter, and in two weeks it'll be September, and Monty will be talking about the low sun and the light that provides when it shines fhrough flower petals.

COme the evening, I cook breaded pork for dinner, along with curried rice (my own recipe) and some chilli stir fry. All good stuff.

Jools goes for a wlak, but I stay inside, a sore knee is the excuse this time. Music on the radio, church pictures to eidit.

And that was Monday.

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