Monday 13 November 2023

Is that David Cameron in the shower?

We are now at the stage of this Government, rather like a tired TV show that has come back for five too many series, that they now try to do anything to "freshen it up".

Were it a Star Trek spin off, Spoke or Picard would make a guest appearance, or in Dallas, Bobby is in the shower and it was all a dream.

This morning, Sunak sacked the Home Secetary, by phone (no letters to be sent, apparently), next thing David Cameron arrives in Downing Street, word on Downing Street is that he is to be Home Secretary.

In order for that to happen, he needs to be either an MP or Member of the Lords, so he is to be made a Baron.

And remember, this is the guy who in order to sidetrack UKIP promised a referendum on membership of the EU, fought so weakly he lost, and has since spent his time on the speaking circuit and working for Chinese business.

He's now Foreign Secretary.

Esther McVey is Minister for common sense. Stop laughing at the back.

And so the patomime goes on.

A last throw of the dice, seeing if this shit sticks to the walls. Tax cuts for the rich before Christmas, paid for by billions in benefit cuts.

Same old Tories.

Can we just cut to the part where we have an election and vote the twats out?

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